The Unvaxed Underground #2

M. A. Gottlieb
4 min readSep 11, 2021
Photo by Nicholas Santoianni on Unsplash

Gandhi was wrong. He may have been right then, but he is wrong now. Those who oppress will never see their reflection in the eyes of the oppressed. And I don’t know if he was right then, I wasn’t born yet. But he is wrong now, that’s plain to see.

But Jesus was right. You have to give up the whole world, even sometimes your own mum and dad, to slip through the eye of the needle and enter the good place. Maybe that’s why Gandhi was wrong and Jesus is right and the cruel ones never grow a conscience, and slaves have to find salvation within themselves.

So I don’t think the vaxed will ever see me as human. I’m an object of derision. They laugh and point through the fence. Except we’re not freak-show entertainment, but prisoners in a wasteland of impoverished ghetto, fighting over black-market necessities. Dying from lawlessness and malnutrition. Cut off, banished, exiled to the detritus of the selfish, ignorant and spiteful who refused to go along to get along. They called them ‘mandates.’ It was genius. Mandates Not Force. You always had a choice. The right choice or the wrong choice. And each time you made the wrong choice your world got smaller and smaller. Until you had no choice but to live without a world. It’s easy to give up the world when you don’t have one. It was the rich man’s son who had such a hard time giving up the world as I recall.

But when I think about it now I wonder, why didn’t they force us? It would be so easy. Most people who resist only resist until the fighting starts anyway. And those who really resist can be hunted easily through our digital footprints. If it was such an existential dire emergency that threatened civilization why didn’t they force compliance?

Looking back, I was completely wrong about dandelions. I thought they were weeds. I tried so hard to kill them for infecting my beautiful lawn. But what does grass do in someone’s backyard? Dandelions are useful nutritionally and medicinally. That’s one thing I learned for sure. Before the virus & the vax, people, and when I say people I mean civilization, human civilization had broken too far away from the natural world that gave it life. People actually wanted to be robots. And now of course those people have their wish, but I know that most things I was taught to believe were never more than guesses. And that when people believe truth is found in a word like ‘science’ or ‘religion’ or ‘politics’ like the labels or names carry truth in and of themselves, then you’re looking at a member of a cult.

In the end, it’s not that people were lazy, it’s that they were worked way too hard. Society was dysfunctional from sleep deprivation and pharmaceutical intervention. It was easier to do what you were told than to think about what you were told to do. Easier to go with the flow than swim upstream. Especially when the mandates came and choice was reduced to vax or ‘get out.’

I lost my whole family to the vax. It didn’t kill them, but it made them not want to be with anyone who wasn’t also vaxed. No matter how many times you said, “I’m not sick. I haven’t been sick in years,” it didn’t matter. Even though the vaxes weren’t really vaxes and didn’t really work like they said, if you didn’t take the vax you were a cold-blooded killer more selfish than Satan himself.

“How many unvaxed does it take to screw in a light-bulb?”

“The unvaxed don’t have light-bulbs, they live in the dark.” Ouch.

But I guess the one good thing about living in nature again like we’re supposed to is that you see how many things thrive in the dark. Light and dark aren’t value systems, but what happens as the world turns around the sun. Vaxed or unvaxed aren’t value systems, but they made it so. What was a matter of choice was reduced to blackmail, and somehow it was the blackmailers who were the victims.

So we live in the dark, scurrying for survival like the animals we are. While the vaxed live in the new normal of public health over private lives and monthly boosters to ward against the natural world they fear.

I thank my lucky stars every night that I can, well see the stars for starters, and that I can be a human in the world instead of a bobble-head on an endless shelf of mindless nodding agreement that stretches to the end of time.



M. A. Gottlieb

Gottlieb is a writer/actor/director. He is the author of the novel The Fourth Wall.